The Chambers

Specialist barristers in criminal law

John Munro and Ian Brookie founded Sentinel Chambers in 2014. Their objective was to create a group of like-minded criminal barristers who provide high quality representation in a fearless, respectful and persuasive way.


Since 2014, Sentinel Chambers has grown in reputation and size. Our collective experience covers the full ambit of the criminal law: from minor traffic offences through to serious violent and sexual offences; regulatory prosecutions to mental health cases; Parole Board hearings, high profile trials and complex appeals. We also appear in related matters such as professional disciplinary hearings, proceeds of crime matters and Coroners hearings.

This breadth of experience makes us one of the leading criminal chambers in New Zealand.

Our senior barristers are often called upon by the courts to assist in complex cases as amicus curae or counsel to assist the court, illustrating the high regard of our chambers.

Our barristers are members of various legal organisations such as the New Zealand Law Society, New Zealand Bar Association, Criminal Bar Association, the Law Association, Defence Lawyers Association and South Auckland Bar Association.

We operate out of modern, comfortable offices centrally located by the Sky Tower . Our Victoria Street location is next to the Te Waihorotiu station, part of the city rail link.